children's church

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Powerhouse Kids - Children's ministry is an interactive, God-filled experience where your child will learn about God, memorize verses and know how to apply their learning to their everyday life.
We are dedicated to partnering with parents to lead children to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Through age-specific lessons, activities, and small groups, children Pre-K to 6th grade learn biblical truths and real-life lessons.  Children are taught God’s word to prepare them for the journey in life.  Our children’s ministry teachers are dedicated to teaching and nourishing each and every child.  
You will see your child begin to engage in  worship because they understand the true purpose of worship.
If you want a place where your children will feel loved, get fed the word of God, as well as, get fed a wholesome meal each and every Sunday  when we are fully back to church then come and visit Christian Bible Church.
(Due to the Pandemic all Powerhouse Kids meet on Zoom each week for Powerhouse Kids church)  
Call the church office and get the Zoom link today!

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am - 10:00 am

Discipleship classes are available for all Christian Bible Church members and guests.  Join us as we fellowship in small groups where the central focus in Jesus Christ.  
We are currently meeting via Zoom.  
Call the church office to learn more about the next Discipleship class and to get the Zoom link and get your life enriched as a result of it.

10:45 am - 12 pm

Join us and listen as the Power of God's Word is preached verse by verse by the Founder and Senior Pastor of Christian Bible Church - Pastor Rudolph White, Jr.,  as well as, other gifted preachers.  
Our church doors are open to serve you or we invite you to get connected to our Virtual Ministries and Like, Share and Subscribe on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  

Contact Us

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